Open the save file you want to transfer in your hex editor.Complete transfer of files to your PC - there will be a "Content" folder on your USB drive, and your saves will be in it, search for the files save0.sgd, save1.sgd etc.Use your Xbox360 Settings menu to copy your Arkham City savegames to the drive.Insert a USB flashdrive into your Xbox360.

Make a note of the save(s) you want to use on the PC version as above i.e.0x10 means "the hexadecimal value 10 (decimal 16) NOT decimal 10". Note: this is a bit more involved and manual than removing GFWL above, but still easy. Transfer/Migrate/Convert Xbox360 save games to Epic Games Store version Replace KEY with the same desired key for quickfire batclaw/whip disarm you have set in the BmInput.ini file.

Note that differently from the BmInput.ini file, there has to be a dot "." at the beginning of the line. Bindings=(Name="KEY",Command="HoldToZoom | QuickGadgetY", Shift=false, Control=false, Alt=false, bIgnoreShift=false, bIgnoreCtrl=false, bIgnoreAlt=false):META:COM_QUICK_GADGET1,1,-1,-1,"",false,true,CI_QuickWhip. Note that if a key is already used for another function it can't be associated with this action.